New SEO Techniques for 2013

SEO_Page_RankingIt is important that you make sure that you follow the new SEO techniques to optimize your website. If you were not able to take care of your search engine optimization, you would need an SEO Company to assist you. This will save you on time and money, and it will keep your websites or pages in the ranking.

Google has employed strict guidelines for webmasters and bloggers to follow. By keeping your website free from Google penalties you would also make sure that your business continues to exist.

Google SEO Rules to Follow for your SEO Techniques

If you wish for your pages or website to rank higher, you would need to follow the rules set by Google. If you do not do this, the search engine is bound to penalize you for this. It could lead to your website (and your pages) to be removed from its indexing.

Regarding the application of search engine optimization, Google implemented major changes over the last twelve months. These changes have continued since the first Panda update to the recent Penguin update.

The idea behind these changes is to motivate webmasters and bloggers to continue to create better quality content. It would give visitors a better reading experience. That, in turn, would increase the return rate and diminish the bounce back ratio.

By following the Google rules, you would make sure that the visitors spend quality time on your site or landing pages. In this way the search engine users as well as the advertisers will make more use of Google.

Things to Avoid in Applying SEO Techniques

Low Quality Content

As said in the above paragraphs, good quality content is necessary for page ranking. Hence, you should avoid content of low quality. The same applies to websites filled with advertisements. That is, avoid creating one-page sites filled with adverts.

The importance is to provide visitors with sites that are filled with good quality content. It will also help you in not having to spam your pages with unnecessary keywords.

Your aim is to be specific when you write your content. Your content should give case studies, personal insights and anecdotes to make it interesting, and make your site stand out from the rest.

Black-Hat Methods and Link Schemes

Google Guidelines for webmasters and bloggers demand that you avoid black-hat methods and linking schemes. These methods include duplicate content where you post the same content across different domains. Added to this is keyword stuffing and cloaking.

Your website will be severely punished If you want to boost your Google ranking with “advertorial” marketing, or even paying for links. Interflora used this method for boosting page ranking, and was severely punished for it.

Matt Cutts emphasized that Google will penalize this method. However, you are not restricted to advertise or build links, but it has to do with its connectivity to irrelevant sites that would cause the problem.

If you do pass this Google requirement, you should remember not to stuff your content with keywords. The links or the advert has to follow the natural readability of the content, and you have to do this on a small scale.

Guest Posting and Back-Linking Networks

The reason why Google has implemented these guidelines, is to be fair to everyone. Many companies pay an SEO Company to run their optimization campaign for them. If they follow all the Google requirements, it would be unfair for a website to out-rank your site because they use linking farms and linking networks.

The changes Google have implemented were to address the issues that include low quality content that is posted on non-relevant sites. In the past these sites gained many back-links, and higher page ranks as a result. They would often outrank websites with good reputations in terms of diligently following the Google guidelines.

These deviant websites have taken the advice from Google and have begun to remove all the links that would make Google penalize them. However, they have found other ways of getting around the Google updates. One particular method is guest posting, which is just another way of the back-link method.

Guest posting is not necessarily bad, but it still mean that you have to stay within the guidelines of Google, especially in terms of spamming.

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